Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Roller Derby

....ROLER DERBY.....
We went to see our friends play in their Bout at Skateland and had a blast. I won the raffle that got us seats on the big couch so we didn't have to sit on the floor!! Ashley, Clay and Sara sat with us.

Our little Valentine!!

We had a great Valentine's Day! Daddy had to work during the day so Coen and Mommy went to Katie's Birthday party. We met up with Dad for Dinner at the Outback that evening. We had a wonderful time and Coen once again slept right through it!
Coen's Valentine gift from Grandma and Grandpa Reaves was the little red and pink cow in the picture and a book.

Coen's First time to Church (4 weeks 2 days old)

Pastor Dale Oquist and Coen. These guys are going to be buddies I'm sure!!
Coen slept through the whole service!!
Everybody was so happy to finally meet him.
Mom and Dad were glad to be back into the swing of things!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coen is smiling!!

Oh my Gosh, this is the cutest picture in the world!! I'm crazy in love with this boy!! He started to smile at us this week and it is so adorable.

He has been able to lift his head and look around from the beginning. The kid is strong!

Bath Time

He loved the first bath after his umbilical cord fell off.
being able to get all the way wet was much better.

This face cracks me up!!

Cute random pictures of little Rocket

He was totally passed out after a car ride so I propped up on the couch when I took him out of the carseat. We didn't leave him like this of course, but we couldn't pass up getting a picture....He looked like a little old man.

This is my favorite Jacket and the last time he got to wear it because the sleeves are already too short for his long arms.

We don't encourage the thumb sucking, hence the binkies...but it's so cute!!

I love his huge hands!

The first front pack adventure

He slept the whole time but it was great. We liked being able to put him in it and go outside to get some sun and let the dogs run. We walked all over our property...it was a beautiful day!!